SANA Miner Tutorial

3 min readAug 17, 2021


Step One

Turn on tee (Devices that do not support tee can start directly from the second step)


Check host SEV support

At libvirt> = 6.5.0, you can use the virt-host-validate command to see whether the host supports SEV, or manually check for SEV support through the following steps:

grep-w sev /proc/cpuinfo sees if the host supports the sev properties

Modify grub to ensure that mem_encrypt=on kvm_amd.sev=1,kvm_amd.sev=1 can also be configured via modprobe

$ cat /etc/default/grub

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”… mem_encrypt=on kvm_amd.sev=1"
$ grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/<distro>/grub.cfg
cat /etc/modprobe.d/sev.conf
options kvm_amd sev=1

Value 1 meaning SEV feature positive can be checked via

cat /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev


Check out your own chip model

sudo dmidecode | grep CPU

Version: Intel® Core™ i5–10210UCPU @ 1.60GHz Open Intel’s official website and search for your own chip model(Intel official website)

Such chips as shown are tee-supported.

Confirm the BIOS settings

First open google and search what the BIOS key is for going into your computer. It may vary between computer brands. Restart the computer, quickly press the key just checked, and enter the BIOS interface.

  • Locate Security(security option), find Secure Boot(security start), and select Disabled(Close)
  • Locate Boot(start option), and start UEFI in the Boot Mode (startup mode)
  • Locate SGX option, Enabled preferred and choose Software Controlled if not. Select Software Controlled, and enter the following instruction to start the driver after entering the system:

sudo chmod +x sgx_enable
sudo ./sgx_enable


How to open the Ubuntu terminal: Right-click on the desktop → terminal (Open in Terminal)

  • Only Supported by Ubuntu 20.04

Or ant-linux-amd64 tee to view TEE support status

Step Two

For the environment required to install Linux, enter the following commands

Sudo apt-get update

Sudo apt-get install wget

Ask for the installation during the installation process. Enter ‘y’ and ‘space’, wait patiently for it to perform in turn.

Step Three

Create a folder for sana

mkdir sana

cd ./sana

Step Four

SANA installation

Download ant-linux-amd64


Set the execution permissions for ant-linux-amd64

chmod +x ./ant-linux-amd64

Step Five

Register the RPC address of the xDai main network

Execute ant-linux-amd64 start command for node initiation

./ant-linux-amd64 start — verbosity 5 — full-node — swap-endpoint http://rpc link of xdai — debug-api-enable — cors-allowed-origins “*”

Set the password after a successful startup

Set the password and confirm the password to get the wallet address




Written by SANA

SANA,a point-to-point storage area node network in essence forked upon Swarm, is established by a group of geeks.

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