Updated Content
1. New Application Market Entry
2. Web Site Hosting Feature (Only Support zip and tar files)
Ant-Dashboard Web Site Hosting Instruction
Ant 0.1.4 Version currently has the feature of Web Site Hosting, Users may locate this function in Application tab under the dashboard. Few requirements need to be met in order to use this feature: 1. User needs to connect a working SANA node and purchase Stamp (both light node and miner node will work), 2. User needs to have a usable domain name for domain analysis, specified procedure will be shown below.
- Application

2. Step 1: Drag and drop the compressed package file (zip or tar files) to the upload area or click upload area to select files.

3. Step 2: Stamp Selection
A. Step 2.1 Users can click Select Postage Stamp to choose stamp if stamp is purchased.

B. Step 2.2 User need to purchase Stamp if no stamps are available.

Depth: Integral number from 16 to 25 (25 is recommended)
Amount: numerical value over 100 (1000 is recommended)
Label: Any valid Strings will work
Go back to Step 2.1 after stamp is purchased
Tip: User may only use their Stamp after 2–3 minutes after purchasing
4. Step 3: Upload
Click Select Postage Stamp and click Upload can upload your file, and receive a domain analysis content, included two important field of CNAME and TXT.

5. Domain analysis
Copy and save the content of CNAME and TXT field, use it as analysis configuration in domain analysis tools.
The steps above are how to setup the SANA Web Site Hosting feature, it’s relatively simply and easy, the key is that users need to do domain analysis themselves after Stamp purchase and file upload. Good news , we have been hosting explorer.ethsana and Ant-Dashboard to SANA network already.
Requirements of the file
1. Under 50M
2. Has to be Zip or Tar file
3. File example below

What is SANA Web Site Hosting?
Web Site Hosting mean storing your website static resources into SANA network to realizing decentralized static resources storage. The advantages of this feature are no needs of configure web service, decentralized storage, file encryption, faster and more stable website access,etc.
How to update hosting resources?
User only need to upload new package file that contains website resources, copy and save the content from TXT field into domain analysis tools to update TXT file.